I believe in honoring individuals’ choices and providing compassionate support throughout the end-of-life journey.

I focus on providing guidance and assistance for those considering or pursuing medical aid in dying, ensuring a peaceful and dignified transition.

Emotional and Spiritual Support

As a  Death doula, I offer emotional support to both the dying person and their loved ones. I provide a safe and empathetic space for open conversations about death, fears, and concerns. I may also assist with spiritual rituals, meditation, or prayer based on the individual's beliefs and preferences.



Practical Planning and Education

As a Death doula, I help individuals and families navigate the practical aspects of end-of-life planning. I can assist with advance care directives, funeral planning, and understanding available options for medical treatment and palliative care. I may also provide resources and education on grief, loss, and coping strategies.


Comfort Care and Presence

As a Death doula, I focus on providing comfort and maintaining a peaceful environment for the dying person. They may offer physical care such as soothing touch, massage, or assistance with pain management techniques. They aim to ensure that the person feels heard, respected, and supported throughout their journey.


I Understand the complexity and sensitivity surrounding end-of-life decisions, particularly in relation to medical aid in dying. Our experienced team of death doulas specializes in providing the support and resources individuals and their families need during this deeply personal and important time.

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